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January 07, 2007


David Leonhardt

I was looking for an email address, but I could not find one. I wanted to share with you the press release at and the accompanying report that can be downloaded by clicking the ugly blue logo at .



Creative class guy

The rigid, conservative 9 to 5 work structure is over in many professions, because today's jobs often require alot more creativity and innovation than jobs did in the past. plus, we are literally expected to be "on" 24/7/365. That may look nice in profit margins, but it's not how the human brain works, especially if the job demands an element of innovation and creativity. We need time to have fun, to daydream, to think about something else for awhile. Employers have to realize that they cannot demand 24/7/365 ultra-productivity, creativity, and innovation of the modern world as well as a robotlike conservative corporate structure if they want to attract talent. If individual employees can't handle their freedom, show them the door.

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